Meeting with Prime Minsters Office 18 April 2018

It was so wonderful to be heard, to be able to tell my story, to be a voice for all carers and go through my carer strategies that I formulated that would help so many.

1. Funding for dementia research is a necessity for the global dementia pandemic

July 2nd 2018 Malcolm Turnbull announces $38 million dollars for dementia research!

I was absolutely thrilled, my voice has been heard

2. National Carers Card not means nor age tested for all full time carers.

  • Like a seniors card that provides cheap movies, theatre tickets, discount public transport and bulk billing for medical expenses.

3. Respite Care - must be Tax Deductible - capped in price for all care providers.

  • Respite care should be included in all homecare packages not just for those on a pension.
  • This is not a luxury it is a life necessity for every carer, otherwise carers will be in their graves before their loved ones.

How would everyone feel if they had to pay for someone else to do their job so they could have a rest. After working 7 days a week all year for $1 dollar an hour.

The govt recognises the huge toll of being a full time carer 7 days a week has on every carer.

Dementia sucks the life out of you and makes us all feel like the walking dead

For those who are self funded retirees, the cost of respite care is not included in my aged care home care packages nor tax deductible.

  • I have paid $8700 for respite care on my credit cards so I could have a much needed rest.

4. Cares Allowance full time carers, not well publicised,

  • Able to be backdated to when gave up career and stopped paid employment.
  • It is $ 63.50 a week a $1 an hour for taking care of my Mum, 7 days a week

5. HomeCare packages not well publicised for self-funded retirees.

  • Need a far Better way to provide all documents as they keep losing mine since July 2017

6. Legal Protection for Carers from siblings and other family members

  • when loved one has passed and then there is the division of the property.
  • No forced sale of the family home for 2 years.
  • Any legal expenses to come out of siblings share.
  • Courts must recognise sacrifices of carers in lost income super and loss of career.

7. Booking Holidays and accessing respite care,

  • Very difficult to access availability of respite care, impossible to book in advance.
  • Need search database of availability and book in advance for a holiday

8. Cold calling charities to be stopped

9. Land Tax to be assessed on a case by case basis when in dire financial straits.

  • No interest on payment plans

10. Euthanasia,

  • No baby boomers want to go into an aged care facility nor be a burden for their family, children or community.
  • We want to have a choice prior to being diagnosed

In Addition

We also need a Carers Ombudsman, to help us when we are facing difficulties, as there is nowhere for us to turn for help

We need a Carers Hotline to access urgent Homecare Packages, impossible to get help

We need a Carers Affairs for all carers like a Veterans Affairs

I am woman hear me roar ………………………..I can do anything !!!!!

My Mission is to ensure Australia sets the benchmark for the world for supporting carers and protecting their health and financial security!

Like Apollo 13 - Failure is not an Option