RCAC round table speech 27th September 2018

My 2 minute speech helped ensure Homecare packages, carers, legal and tax are included in the terms of reference for the Royal Commission on Aged Care.

So many said to me, when mum got her wings 29th August 2018, “you don’t need to fight anymore for carers.” I said “no, things must change and I’m determined to protect all carers."

My 2 minute speech helped ensure Homecare packages, carers, legal and tax are included in the terms of reference for the Royal Commission on Aged Care.

“It is absolute hell on earth being a full time carer for a loved one with dementia at home without a homecare package, zero tax concessions = huge unjust financial worries, sleepless nights, living on my overdraft since 2015

Dementia sucks the life out of you, being endlessly patient, showering and dealing with double incontinence, makes us all feel like the walking dead from sheer exhaustion 7 days a week.

The Government cannot destroy our health, financial security, expect us to pay for everything, give us no help, nor tax concessions, when we have given up our careers, spent our super, when we are close to 60 and cannot return to our former careers.

If this is not addressed in a holistic way, the government will be leaving a gigantic legacy of the biggest generation the baby boomers forced onto welfare.

Carers are saving the government $40 billion dollars per annum. 1 in 10 Australians are carers

There is no age limit for those who need care, dementia, illness and frailty do not discriminate by age.

Carers by definition must also include children too

It must cover Taxation and every Finance Minister must attend

I was threatened by the NSW Chief Tax Commissioner to default my mortgage

We need a centralised taxation file system where everything is listed including dementia diagnosis

We need every Legal Minister attending, there is no legal protection for Carers FROM their families

No waiting lists for Lvl 4 Homecare packages, my paperwork was lost 4 times

Respite care must be tax deductible , included in all homecare packages, able to be booked in advance.

National carers card not means nor age tested

Carers Ombudsman

Carers Hotline 24/7

Carers Allowance $63.50 able to be backdated

Stop Cold calling charities

Carers Affairs for all carers like a Veterans Affairs”

Federal Minister Ken Wyatt for Aged Care asked for my phone number to discuss this further, I was the only one he asked at the round table I attended. Absolutely thrilled!

I am so determined to stop the hell and misery every dementia carer suffers.

I will not rest till every one of my carer strategies are implemented.

One voice can change the world and I intend to be that voice.

9th October Royal Commission Terms of Reference announced !

Terms of reference ‘deliberately broad’ for the Royal Commission

The Commission’s Terms of Reference were signed off by Governor-General Peter Cosgrove yesterday.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the terms were “deliberately broad” to let the Commissioners look into quality and safety issues and examples across the aged care sector.

The commission will cover care for people in aged care facilities, in-home care services and care for young Australians with disabilities living in a residential aged care environment

There is Huge ignorance in the Government of all full time carers suffering. We need every public servant to do mandatory online training session on dementia and how it affects the population.

My Mission is to ensure Australia sets the benchmark for the world for supporting carers and protecting their health and financial security!

Like Apollo 13 - Failure is not an Option