Food is their pleasure

Food is their great pleasure in life


They become like toddlers, throw tantrums, crave sugar and become fussy eaters

Don’t care what she eats as long as she is happy. Used to get upset when she would eat ice cream and chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Who cares, probably her main pleasure in life. Like a toddler craves sugar.

Beside mum’s chair where she sits in the lounge room, I leave bowls of fruit, mandarins, grapes, raspberries, strawberries and box of biscuits, chocolates. So she always has something to eat. She grazes all day. Don’t care what she eats, as long as she eats.

I would joke with her, she hates meat and tell her her she’s having meat for breakfast lunch n dinner, to make her laugh.

My partner bought her a big box of chocolates one Wednesday night for her and I knew she would eat the lot in two days. Saturday morning of course the box was empty. I thought I’m going to have some fun with mum but did not expect her response. “Mum !!! I didn’t get one chocolate !!! " and she replied emphatically “neither did I!!!! " I roared with laughter and asked her “well who eat them? " " It wasn’t me” she replied.