Respite essential for your well being

Respite care is essential for every full time unpaid carer or you will be in your grave before they are

Respite Care Essential for your health well being

My GP said many in my generation are suffering health consequences from caring for elderly parents

I cried and gradually learnt to laugh my way through the muddle, the misery, the chaos, the exhaustion, the hell and accepting having no life of my own.

Being a full time carer, you have no life as you must do everything for them as they decline, they can do nothing for themselves.

Carers are entitled to 63 days per financial year in Australia

I would get to the point where I had zero patience, being angry and upset and not coping. Very normal when you are looking after someone with dementia 7 days a week. It wears you down. It is relentless

When they go into respite care, do not pack their best clothes, so it doesn’t matter if something goes missing.

I would tell mum, we were both having a holiday. She was going away to have some fun and I was having some fun at home. The first time she went into respite care, she was worried and asked “am I sick?” I assured her, and said “no, you are fine, you are here for a holiday and then you will be coming home.”

I would pop in every few days for a few minutes and not stay long, because I needed a rest.

They always return home worse and have declined. Need it for your sanity and well being.

(at the moment) Respite care for self funded retirees, we must pay for it, it is not included in Homecare packages nor is it tax deductible.