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Why every location needs a Carers Cheat Sheet (update)

I found the journey of being a full time carer to my mum, so incredibly hard, as it is so difficult to navigate the bureaucratic system for assistance. That alone is a full time job. This has taken me 6 years to collect all this information.

I wrote this carers cheat sheet to empower all carers so they can access the assistance they need NOW rather than taking years to find out what is available, which is what happens now.

So all carers are able to provide the best care to their loved one who has dementia.

The global dementia pandemic is like climate change affecting everyone on the planet.

Why, because 1 in 3 will be diagnosed. 1 in 10 become carers, destroy carers health and financial security and the governments are forcing most carers onto welfare for the next 30 years in their old age with ill health, after all our sacrifices.

For many the costs to put their loved one into an aged care facility, is just too expensive . Did you know 70% are cared for at home by loved ones.

The anguish and despair I read on all the Facebook dementia carers groups I have joined around the world, breaks my heart. Sadly this is the reality of every carer.

Unless someone speaks out nothing will change and I’m determined to protect our futures.

Every General Practitioner - Doctor (GP) in Australia should hand this information to every carer when their loved one is first diagnosed with dementia

For those in other locations around Australia and the World, you will have similar services provided in your location, that you can look up online and access.

My dream is for every location around the world to have a cheat sheet for their services including links and if they don’t have these services, create them.

2013 my beloved mum was diagnosed with dementia it has taken me all this time to find out all this information.

Other carers have provided some invaluable suggestions which I have included in this cheat sheet.

Most GP’s have little knowledge about the dementia journey for carers

After the Mini Mental of 30 questions with your GP and they have a decline in their memory capacity you will be referred for diagnosis with a Geriatrician

You will need to see your solicitor / lawyer to organise a Power of Attorney and Guardianship

They give you way too much information and this is what you need

1 - Organise Power of Attorney and Guardianship

Essential to organise this with your lawyer and loved one

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2 - Key phone numbers, websites Australia

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When first diagnosed for dementia

Key phone numbers in Australia

Dementia Australia - phone number 1800 699 799

My Aged Care Australia - phone number 1800 200 422

If diagnosed with dementia under 65 years of age apply for NDIS Australia 1800 800 110

Carers can call Carer Gateway relevant to their needs and linking to organisations that can provide assistance 1800 422 737

Care About Website 1300 713 407

Our team will clearly explain how different Government subsidies work and how to access the support you need. We’ll take the time to understand what your health, lifestyle and cultural preferences are. The providers we recommend have been carefully evaluated so that you know the choice you make is one you can trust

Register for free training on dementia, the various stages and what to expect, to help you understand the various stages of dementia

Mable - Redefining support for disability and aged care in Australia. One connection at a time.

Mable is an easy and safe online platform. Connect with people in your community and choose the support workers who share your interests and suit your needs best.

Hatzolah is a free service to the Eastern Suburbs community of Sydney

When Seconds Count, Hatzolah Saves Lives phone 02 9371 2222

If your loved one has fallen and you cannot pick them up off the floor, they will come in a few minutes and assist you pick them up, rather than calling an ambulance.

Hatzolah’s primary goal is to provide a lifesaving bridge of medical care during the first critical moments of a medical emergency, whilst catering to the unique needs of the Jewish Community, as well as assisting all faiths in the local community.

Our responders are extensively trained and equipped to deal with any medical emergency, and responders regularly attend patients with issues ranging from chest pain, bleeding, full arrest, household accidents, asthma and road trauma.

Hatzolah responders are on stand-by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, including Shabbos and Yomtov.

3 - ACAT Assessment Australia -Carers Exhaustion and Respite Care

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Carers Exhaustion

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre 1800 052 222

In the beginning we all have a very short fuse and are so angry because of all the stupid things they do and the endless repetitive questions. Drives every carer crazy and we all feel like such horrible people when we get angry and upset with them. Luckily as they have no short term memory, they forget, but we do not and we all feel so guilty and ashamed.

Register for ACAT assessment by phoning MY Aged Care 1800 200 422

You can organise for another ACAT assessment after 12 months, as your loved one will decline and you can access more services to assist you.

Once you have an ACAT assessment and are in the My Aged Care system. You can access respite care, without a homecare package. Usually respite care is for 4 weeks, rarely less

Respite care 63 days per annum, essential for your well being, you access this through My Aged Care phone number 1800 200 422 and they will give you a code which will provide government subsidised respite care.

Answering their endless repetitive questions requires patience and is exhausting

Learn to live one day at a time worrying about yesterday and tomoz destroys today.

4 - Carers Allowance (Australia)

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Carers Allowance is means tested, you are not eligible if your income exceeds $250,000 pa not aged tested - Centrelink $63.50 per week

Carers allowance - when give up career register with Centrelink for $63.50 per week

When you give up work, apply for a carers allowance at Centrelink. It will take a few months to be processed but it will be backdated to when you first lodged your paperwork.

Carers allowance - when you give up your career, register with Centrelink for your carers allowance - $63.50 per week. This is means tested, you are not eligible if your income is over $250,000 pa, not age tested.

Carers Receiving Carer Payment are automatically eligible for a Pensioner Concession Card, which gives them access to cheaper prescription medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits scheme and medical services funded by the Government. This card also gives carers access to concessions provided by the State and territory and local governments

I have written to both Federal Ministers for Aged Care and Centrelink, that this should be automatic, rather than having to apply for it

5 - Companion Card - Cardholder Application Form Australia

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Companion Card Cardholder Application Form

This allows you to take your loved one out to the movies, theatre, ballet, museums. Your ticket will be free, as your loved one, would find it difficult to do these things on their own.

When they are first diagnosed, this is useful, however as they decline, it is just way too hard to take them to a movie. They will ask incessant questions and will not be able to follow the story.

All 16 pages MUST BE printed and send to Companion Card Program. Applications with missing pages will not be processed.

The Companion Cardholder Application form is available in the following format for you to download and print.

Please do not change any settings when printing this form.

Cardholder Application Form (PDF, 134 kb, 16 pages)

6 - Dementia ID Bracelet Australia

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ID Bracelet

Organise thru Dementia Australia ring 1800 699 799 for an ID bracelet where her personal details are registered in a database. That the police can access should she get lost wandering.****

7 - Disabled Parking Card NSW

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Disabled Car Parking Card

Disabled parking card – Invaluable as they become immobile with a walking stick and then a walker, Westfield additional two hours free parking

Organise for a disabled car sticker, this is invaluable, as they do struggle to walk and it does make life so much easier. Download the form, take it to your doctor for them to sign and fill in. Then take the form and your loved one to Services NSW. Then take your disabled parking sticker and your loved one with you to Westfield Bondi Junction go to the concierge desk in the car park near the florist and you are given an additional 2 hours free parking. So you are entitle to 4 hours free parking. Very Valuable assistance

Disabled parking card – Invaluable as they gradually become less mobile, they will need a walking stick, walker and wheelchair, Print off the form, take it your GP to sign and then take the form with your loved one to Services NSW who will organise the card for you

At Westfield you can access additional two hours free parking, you need to see their concierge to register your number plate with your disabled parking card.

8 - Join Local Dementia Carers Support Group Australia

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Ensure you join a local carers support group

There are carers support groups that are run after hours, which will be invaluable as you start your journey of being a dementia carer. You will not feel like Robinson Crusoe, you can vent, learn from others and make friends with other carers. Unless you have lived it, no one undertands

9 - No hospice / palliative care for Dementia in Australia except in South Australia

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10 - Activities - Prior to Covid Australia

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Organise for them to go out with your local seniors community group who will have outings and activities, essential for their well being and gives you a break

11 - Incontinence Allowance Australia

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Incontinence allowance

Incontinence allowance - register for this $10 a week paid every 6 months

Download the form and take to your GP to complete. Entitled to $10 a week given in January and July two payments to help with payment of pull ups.

When they become incontinent and keep having accidents it’s best to put them in pull-ups, saves you and your loved one being embarrassed. You will also need to purchase several mattress protectors, which will capture any leaks and not ruin the mattress. They are reusable and washable.

12 - Become a Dementia Friend - Dementia Australia

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Dementia Australia has created Dementia Friends to help others understand dementia. Encourage your friends and local community to sign up to create community awareness. There are similar links around the world.

Who are Dementia Friends?

The people in our community who want to make a positive difference in the lives of people living with dementia.

Why become a Dementia Friend?

Every 3 seconds someone in the world develops dementia.

Knowing how to help and understand the challenges they face you can make people living with dementia, feel accepted and safe.

How do I start?

Create a Dementia Friends account below, there you can listen to people with dementia share their stories and be guided through 3 videos (5 minutes each) designed to increase your understanding of dementia and its impacts.

13 - Taxi Subsidy Australia

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Taxi Subsidy

Here is the link to apply

Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS) Application Form – PDF