Legal Protection and Recognition of all full time unpaid Carers

There is no legal protection nor recognition for full time unpaid carers anywhere in the world

The legal system does not even recognise full time unpaid carers - all our endless sacrifices and relentless care is completely irrelevant.

Courts need to acknowledge the role and sacrifices of carers in families.

We need to protect carers financially when they have sacrificed their lives to look after a family member. Once their loved one has passed and their many sacrifices must be recognised and protected by the courts from greedy siblings.

Grief protection, they should not be forced to sell the family home for two years.

Should not be equal when one family member gives up work and sacrifices their life to care for an elderly parent. Other family member (s) then take this to court and the legal fess comes out of all the estate.

Carers do not need this additional stress after all the sacrifices they have made and utter exhaustion from caring.

There must be legislation, legal protection and recognition. If other family members do this, then the legal expenses should come out of their share of the estate not the carers share.

From the estate the carers super should be returned from the siblings share. This should be law. Plus the super they would have earnt whilst being a carer.

Capital gains tax, when one sells property, super amount should be deducted from the capital gains tax, plus the super amount they would have earnt whilst being a carer.

Plus income lost for caring for parent.

Plus all out of pocket expenses for looking after parent

Far more needs to be done to look after carers as they are the hidden victims who are suffering terribly trying to hold it all together for no pay and no understanding.

Most carers are drowning in debt not because they are extravagant