TV Advertisements like they did with Aids and brain donations

To create greater awareness, understanding and compassion not just for those suffering with dementia but all full time unpaid carers

TV advertisements like they did with Aids

Encourage donation of brains for research, announce how and where

We need to educate the community on dementia as there is huge ignorance.

So when there is a diagnosis of dementia, most rush to help like cancer, instead of all disappearing.

Like Air Crash investigations, this is how not to do it and this is how you should do it.

Eg don’t correct them, just agree as you can never correct nor argue with someone who has dementia.

Listen to their repetitive stories,

listen to the same questions they ask repeatedly, like they did, when you were a child.

Their brain is broken and they have no short term memory.

Had I known we could donate their brain for research and where, I would have gladly have done so, to help find a cure and treatment for this horrendous terminal illness