Homecare Packages

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1 Centrelink portal for your file to upload all your financial documents

Able to upload all your financial documents onto the Centrelink portal and see what is missing so you are compliant and can be quickly assessed for a homecare package.

Once registered for a homecare package you are not removed from the list, even if paperwork is lost. You remain in the queue from date of application registration.

2 Costs of Homecare packages to be affordable and fair

Lvl 1 or 2 same costs as for lvl 3 or 4, need to encourage carers to sign up for homecare packages .

The unjust cost is a gigantic deterrent for carers to sign up for lower level homecare packages.

Prorated amount 1 or 2 hours a week should not be $200 per week.

It needs to Affordable and fair. Cost Graded per lvl to make the financial journey easier .

Early intervention homecare would be invaluable for all carers

3 Homecare Providers

Are regulated and have a cap on what they can charge a client for caring in their home.

At the moment some charge $90 for half an hour for a carer to shower and dress a loved one at home.

4 Maintaining consistency for dementia patients with the same carers

Consumer model where consumers can keep carers, no matter which provider you take up homecare packages.

Established Brokerage for home carers into another homecare package.

Providers work together and ensure training is consistent with all staff

Should be an incentive to work together break barriers down

5 No waiting lists for Lvl 4 homecare packages

It is essential to provide support services when they have stopped walking

For every ACAT Lvl 4 Home Care assessment, there should be no waiting lists, we have worked hard all our lives, paid our taxes, it is hell on earth doing all the caring and not able to access any assistance, zero tax concessions, nor have a weekend off.

It’s relentless - 7 days a week job and usually always falls on one family member.