Taxation needs to be fair, just and consistent

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Centralised tax file number, where everything is listed including

Geriatrician advises ATO of diagnosis of dementia patient and primary carer on both tax files

Dementia diagnosis

Homecare waiting list

Date when gave up employment to become full time carer

Provisional tax

Mandatory council fire orders

Mortgage for mandatory council fire orders

Land Tax

Centrelink payments

So they can see, can you pay your bills? What is just and unjust?

Because right now there are all different systems that do not talk to one another, which is creating huge stress for every carer with unjust state and federal legislation and government policies.

We need to throw out our extremely complicated Tax Act and start again and make it much fairer, simpler and consistent

In Hong Kong, they have have a flat rate of 17% so everyone is happy to pay their share of taxes.

No wonder so many find ways to not pay tax

Whereas in Australia with the black market of cash run businesses the country is losing $ 7-11 Billion in lost revenue.

If we were not taxed so high, far more would be far more willing to pay their share, instead of avoiding paying tax at all costs.

Go after the high end individuals who pay little or no tax.

The Asian community who pay zero land tax because they put a different date and place of birth for every property they own.

Go after all the companies who do not pay any tax.

Why is gas and oil companies off the coast of Western Australia, pay no tax, no royalties. They should not be allowed to set up nor drill unless they agree to pay their share of tax from their profits.

Every transaction a company makes should have a small tax, that way everyone shares the tax payments.

If every transaction in a bank account was taxed 1% , then there would be no need for income tax, as everyone shares the load and the government will have plenty of revenue to look after the country.

Disgusting when so many companies pay next to nothing in taxes when carers are saving the country $77 billion pa for all our endless sacrifices and receive zero tax concessions

Things must change.

In this budget 2019 -20 the government plans to spend $4.36 subsidising pollution for every dollar it spends on climate action.

  • $40 billion for the diesel fuel tax credit subsidy across the forward estimates, nine times the total budget for the environment.
  • A 39.7% per cent cut to the environment budget since 2013.
  • An overall environment budget of $900 million for 2019-20.

Only 10 companies pay 45 per cent of all corporate tax.

Uber took $785 million profit out of Australia in 2018 and only paid $8.5 million in taxes, when they should have paid far more.

A $691 million “service fees” charge, otherwise unexplained in the accounts, did most to reduce the company’s taxable income.

Why is it allowed so many high end individuals get away with paying little to no tax !

Rich Australians lobby tax office to prevent increased scrutiny of their businesses.

How to pay $20 million tax on more than $1 billion in revenue — ask Amazon Australia

ATO data reveals almost a third of big companies still not paying tax in Australia

If companies paid their share of annual tax, there would be no need for Land Tax by NSW

Then everyone can be fairly and equitably assessed for taxation and not have unjust financial worries created by the government.

What should happen - we need fair and reasonable practices

When you become a full time carer, it should be on your tax file number, you have given up paid employment, and are entitled to your carers allowance from Centrelink from then,

Carers Allowance of $63.50 should be higher, $1 an hour for 60 hours a week of care.

We should be entitled to Newstart for giving up paid employment to take care of a loved one full time and not have to go for job interviews as we are full time carers.

You are entitled to claim tax concessions for all your care expenses that would be included in a homecare package

Including pull ups, outings with community care providers, eg equipment, walkers, shower chairs, which is all covered in a homecare package, when you cannot access a homecare package

The government recognises carers need 63 days a year respite care, this is not a luxury, it is a life necessity for our health and well being, or we will be in our graves before our loved ones.

Respite care can be claimed as a tax deduction and is included in all homecare packages.

No waiting lists for a level 4 homecare package, so carers can have a weekend off, to protect their health.

If carers choose to return to work after their loved one has passed, after all their sacrifices they should be taxed at a lower rate, so it is worth their while to return to work.

Capital Gains Tax - this was introduced in the 1980’s

When a property remains in the family and was originally purchased prior to the introduction of Capital Gains Tax and is handed down through the generations, there should be no capital gains tax. It is in effect a death duties tax

NSW Legislation for Land Tax is Amended

I am determined to ensure this is amended, and includes the following.

Such an unjust tax, when you are taxed twice and cannot pay your bills.

  1. Retirees, do not pay land tax
  2. Dementia full time carer, zero land tax
  3. Mandatory council fire orders and forced mortgage you are exempt

NSW Revenue must assess the ability to pay for land tax and must follow property prices which have dropped 20%

I want my $120,000 of unjust Land Tax returned from NSW Revenue.

This has caused me years of sleepless nights and anguish. Am not greedy, not against taxes, just want what is just and fair, when I work 7 days a week for nothing and cannot pay my bills, nor comply with mandatory Council Fire Orders. Paid for all of mum’s care with zero tax concessions, could not access a homecare package, spent all my super and shares.

Have had nothing in my bank account since 2015, work tirelessly managing every penny to hang onto my parents legacy, not from extravagant living.

If you don’t ask, you don’t receive!